Reilly J:


1.The newly-elected Senator/新上任的参议员

2.The non-stop debate for 16 hours/十六个小时无休无止的辩论

3.“Watch your manner, Senator.”/“请注意你的用语,参议员。”

4.Non-legislative “favors” in order to get the vote you want/为了得到你想要的投票,你必须给对方一些与立法事宜无关的“好处”。

5.UC(Unanimous Consent)/全体默认

6.Objection of a UC from the other Senator from your home state/你州的另一个参议员对全体默认的决定持反对意见


8.“We are tougher than THEY are.”/“我们比他们强多了。”

9.C-SPAN & Congressional Record/C-Span直播和国会记录

10.On the day of adjourn/休会当日

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